Welcome to the ACSP
Austrian Council of Shopping Places


The purpose of associations is often to learn from each other. In addition to study trips, working groups and national congresses, it is not forbidden to be inspired by other countries. After the founding of the ECSP (and a pandemic), the time has come again and the ACSP is pleased and proud to be able to hold the first European meeting under the auspices of the European Council of Shopping Places (ECSP) in cooperation with MK Illumination Global. Times have changed, many things are being held online and budgets for services have been drastically reduced in many places. In order to take this economic situation into account, we have tried to reduce the barriers to entry, because we still believe that you have to keep getting inspiration. According to the motto: “Move with the times or you will move with the times”. And last but not least: In addition to gaining knowledge, personal contact is of course more than just a concern for us.
Find more detail in the program here:

You can directly register here:

Words from the keynote Speaker Jack Stratten:

who we are

The ACSP - Austrian Council of Shopping Places - is the largest independent interest group for the retail real estate and shopping center industry. We are internationally well connected and maintain strategic partnerships with relevant companies, associations and organisations.


All economic sectors associated with the stationary retail trade. In addition to the operators and owners of retail properties (so all of the 40 largest shopping malls are ACSP members), also retailers, catering establishments and retail-related companies.

who are our members

All members are involved in shopping in the broadest sense, i.e. project developers, real estate funds, builders or operators of shopping centers, facility managers, retailers, architects, brokers, lawyers, city marketing offices, decoration companies, security companies, banks, marketing and advertising agencies etc.


For an orderly retail landscape with investment and legal certainty, for sustainable and ecologically worthwile development and management of retail properties, for lively city centers and for good and efficient local supply.